Do you wish a complete natural smile of high value with beautiful and natural looking teeth? Would you like to have stable and strong teeth back that look natural and healthy? Do you also want fixed dentures? With smileforever you are at the right place! We are glad to help you!
Implants – perfect dental restoration
Implants are an excellent replacement if individual teeth have been lost. The grinding of healthy neighboring teeth is no longer necessary e.g. in creating a dental bridge. Moreover the inner pressure of the bone exerted through implants stops the bone atrophy of the jaw. This guarantees the maintenance of the bony structures for necessary support of lips and cheeks. In case of a total loss of teeth we offer the only possibility for fixed dentures. Removable and wobbling prosthesis are things of the past.
Implants have been used with great success for the replacement of lost teeth for over 40 years.
Our experiences with implants
In the field of dentistry we have successfully placed hundreds of implants per year since 1993. First we have started in Cape Town and then we have continued our success in Munich since 1997. We use both titanium implants and ceramic implants. We are able to plan and implement perfectly the aesthetic final result because we do not only place implants but also do the insertion of the dental replacement.
Due to improved and further developed treatment methods in recent years, the placing of implants has become more pleasant and more comfortable for our patients.
In order to guarantee you a pleasant and painless implantation we work with the latest high-quality devices and materials as well as with precise planning and navigation programs.
Latest technology for your implants

With the aid of our highly modern digital volume tomograph – a 3D x-ray machine that has 90% less radiation exposure as a conventional x-ray machine- we are able to take three-dimensional images of your jaw bone in order to guarantee a safe and gentle implantation.
With the use of a 3D planning program, digital data are processed and implants are placed on a position where they guarantee a functional and aesthetic high-quality care.
By using a template which has been produced individually to meet your requirements, the implants are placed in the right position. This means safety at the highest level both for you and for us and leads to long-term success.
After a healing phase, implants are restored with aesthetically appealing dentures which have been made individually for you.
If you wish you can also "sleep through" the treatment of implantation. Let us advice you about our possibilities to perform the treatment with sedation or under general anesthesia.
Bone Augmentation
Would you like to have implants but you are concerned that your bones have formed back?
We will help you! Smileforever has many years of experience in the fields of implantology and oral surgery and is the right contact person for bone augmentation.
Why is bone augmentation necessary?
When inserting the implants in the jaw bone, it is necessary that the jaw bone has sufficient height and thickness so that the implants are absorbed well. For long-lasting implants this is one of the main guarantors besides a professional implantation.
Before the implants are placed a bone augmentation of the upper and lower jaw is often the first measure that is taken, because jaw bones form back as a result of the loss of teeth or due to inflammations but also during one’s life jaw bones lose their volume and stability due to diseases, accidents or bruxism.
Different options for bone augmentation
The augmentation of the jaw bone can be treated with autogenously bones or very body-like bone replacement material (Bio-Oss). Autogenously bones are extracted right next to the treated area or the region near the wisdom teeth. Bone replacement material may consist of organic or inorganic material which is very well tolerated by the human body. With this substance in the form of granulate a structure is given to the body and based on this a new bone substance is formed. In order to prevent that rapidly growing soft tissue grows into the bone defect (place where a new bone should be formed), a membrane is fixed as a separate layer. Consequently the human body can integrate the bone augmentation; this means a regular circulation takes place again.
If you wish you can also „sleep through” the bone augmentation. Let us advice you about our possibilities to perform the treatment with sedation or under general anesthesia.
Dental treatment in one session
Toothlessness and removable prostheses are a severe psychological burden and a functional loading for most people. We offer a fast, gentle and safe treatment for these patients in order to release themselves from these inconveniences within one session. We work with modern and proven methods which lead to a fixed interim restoration (transitional or intermediate care) within one session.
Naturally, we work in strict compliance with all anatomical conditions. After a healing phase of 3 – 6 months the fixed interim restoration are replaced by definite and fixed denture. To release every patient from the dental treatment with a fixed restoration is the most important maxim for us. Every fixed restoration is made on the basis of an aesthetic treatment so that the patient will meet his/ her private and professional obligations without restraint.
Sinus Lift
Do you wish to have implants in the upper jaw but your jaw bone is not stable enough for this type of denture? There’s no reason for you to give up beautiful teeth.
Smileforever has over 25 years of experience in the field of oral surgery and supplies you with a sinus lift so that you have every reason to smile again.
What is a sinus lift?
A sinus lift is a particular method of bone augmentation. The sinus ground is a bony structure and retains the teeth in the upper jaw which separates the big air-filled sinus cavity from the oral cavity. The loss of one or more teeth is often responsible for a thinning of the sinus ground.
Some problems may occur, if tooth replacement should be done with implants in this area. If the bone mass is too thin, there is a danger that the implants extent into the maxillary sinus instead of being anchored in the bone. Those who do not want to give up fixed dentures can decide to do a bone augmentation with a sinus lift.
What is the process of a sinus lift?
Through an operative intervention a connection is established between the oral cavity and the air-filled sinus cavity. The cavity is filled either with autogenously bone mass or body-like bone replacement material (Bio-Oss). With this substance in the form of granulate a structure is given to the body and based on this, a new bone substance is formed to fill the cavity with own sustainable bones. In order to prevent that rapidly growing soft tissue grows into the bone defect – the place where a new bone should be formed - a membrane is fixed as a separate layer. Consequently the human body can integrate the bone augmentation; this means a regular circulation takes place again.
If you wish you can also „sleep through” the sinus lift. Let us advice you about our possibilities to perform the treatment with sedation or under general anesthesia.
Do you have further questions concerning dentistry or do you wish a consultation appointment at our private dental office Smileforever in Munich? Call us or please send us a message on our contact form.
smileforever - Your Dentist in Munich
Consultancy practice for implantology
and treatment under anesthesia
Theatinerstraße 46
80333 München
+49 89 34 69 97
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday: 08.30 am - 06.30 pm