A brilliant smile without fear
The dental office for private dentistry of Dr. Martin Desmyttère is THE address in Munich especially when it comes to a visit to a dentist without fear. With intensive consulting, the latest technology and a lot of patience, Dr. Desmyttère helps anxious patients to get healthy teeth and a beautiful smile.
The experienced dental office offers all required treatments from one source.
Dr. Martin Desmyttère can look back on more than 20 years of experience with anxious patients, where he performed more than 10.000 operations or medical interventions also under general anesthesia or with sedation. He knows how to dispel fear and helps people to overcome their fear from dentists.
When you think about your next visit to the dentist, are you getting nervous, anxiety or even panic attacks? You don’t have to be embarrassed by that because more than half of all Germans suffer from dental fear and they can feel fear just like you! Are you getting panic attacks when you just think about the treatment at the dentist? You are a so called anxious patient. And because of your dental fear you would not set foot in a dental office? That’s no problem at all and you are not alone with your fear.
The worst thing you could do is not going to the dentist at all due to your dental fear. This leads inevitably to a deterioration of your dental state and sooner or later it will cause acute toothache. As a result the necessary treatment will be even more extensive and your dental fear may even get bigger.
Conversation, Diagnosis, Treatment – everything without fear and pain!
„One of the key factor to the success of our treatments is the relationship between doctor and patient, therefore we take very much time in order to get to know you and to discuss your demands, requirements and problems“, says Dr. Desmyttère. According to this the first consultation will not take place in the dentist’s chair but in a discourse at eye-level. There will be no lying situation or any instruments which make the patient unsecure and uncomfortable!
Afterwards a detailed and painless diagnostic is carried out by means of dental loupe, digital and 3D- X-rays, inter oral camera and bacterium diagnostic. When it comes to the intervention, Dr. Desmyttère offers very successful hypnosis methods or sedation besides a painless local anesthesia. If you wish a comfortable general anesthesia, our experienced anesthetic team will carry out very gentle narcoses. Thus you may literally "sleep through" the treatment.
In order to work against your dental fear and to establish a solid trustful relationship we are focusing on important aspects:
- We take plenty of time for personal consulting services. You learn more about your dentist, the team and the dental office.
- You receive detailed information about a treatment without pain and fear.
- You get to know our specialist for anesthesia and you can talk to him about your concerns. Specially trained personnel takes care of you, but not only during the intervention but also before and after the treatment.
- We have acquired many years of extensive experience in relation to these forms of treatment and as one of the first dental offices in Munich we have been carrying out successful anesthesia treatment for over 20 years.
Like many other patients we would also like to help you to reduce dental fear or to lose it completely.
Patient reports
Do you have further questions concerning dentistry or do you wish a consultation appointment at our private dental office Smileforever in Munich? Call us or please send us a message on our contact form.
smileforever - Your Dentist in Munich
Consultancy practice for implantology
and treatment under anesthesia
Theatinerstraße 46
80333 München
+49 89 34 69 97
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday: 08.30 am - 06.30 pm